================= Expression basics ================= At tt's core is the concept of the Boolean expression, encapsulated in this library with the :class:`BooleanExpression ` class. Let's take look at what we can do with expressions. Creating an expression object ````````````````````````````` The top-level class for interacting with boolean expressions in tt is, fittingly named, :class:`BooleanExpression `. Let's start by importing it:: >>> from tt import BooleanExpression This class accepts boolean expressions as strings and provides the interface for parsing and tokenizing string expressions into a sequence of tokens and symbols, as we see here:: >>> b = BooleanExpression('(A nand B) or (C and D)') >>> b.tokens ['(', 'A', 'nand', 'B', ')', 'or', '(', 'C', 'and', 'D', ')'] >>> b.symbols ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] We can also always retrieve the original string we passed in via the ``raw_expr`` attribute:: >>> b.raw_expr '(A nand B) or (C and D)' During initialization, the :class:`BooleanExpression ` also does some work behind the scenes to build a basic understanding of the expression's structure. It re-orders the tokens into postfix order, and uses this representation to build a :class:`BooleanExpressionTree `. We can see this with:: >>> b.postfix_tokens ['A', 'B', 'nand', 'C', 'D', 'and', 'or'] >>> print(b.tree) or `----nand | `----A | `----B `----and `----C `----D This expression tree represents tt's understanding of the structure of your expression. If you are receiving an unexpected error for a more complicated expression, inspecting the ``tree`` attribute on the :class:`BooleanExpression ` instance can be a good starting point for debugging the issue. Evaluating expressions `````````````````````` Looking at expression symbols and tokens is nice, but we need some real functionality for our expressions; a natural starting point is the ability to evaluate expressions. A :class:`BooleanExpression ` object provides an interface to this evaluation functionality; use it like this:: >>> b.evaluate(A=True, B=False, C=True, D=False) True >>> b.evaluate(A=1, B=0, C=1, D=0) True Notice that we can use ``0`` or ``False`` to represent low values and ``1`` or ``True`` to represent high values. tt makes sure that only valid Boolean-esque values are accepted for evaluation. For example, if we tried something like:: >>> b.evaluate(A=1, B='not a Boolean value', C=0, D=0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... tt.errors.evaluation.InvalidBooleanValueError: "not a Boolean value" passed as value for "B" is not a valid Boolean value or if we didn't include a value for each of the symbols:: >>> b.evaluate(A=1, B=0, C=0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... tt.errors.symbols.MissingSymbolError: Did not receive value for the following symbols: "D" These exceptions can be nice if you aren't sure about your input, but if you think this safety is just adding overhead for you, there's a way to skip those extra checks:: >>> b.evaluate_unchecked(A=0, B=0, C=1, D=0) True Handling malformed expressions `````````````````````````````` So far, we've only seen one example of a :class:`BooleanExpression ` instance, and we passed a valid expression string to it. What happens when we pass in a malformed expression? And what does tt even consider to be a malformed expression? While there is no explicit grammar for expressions in tt, using your best judgement will work most of the time. Most well-known Boolean expression operators are available in plain-English and symbolic form. You can see the list of available operators like so:: >>> from tt import OPERATOR_MAPPING >>> print(', '.join(sorted(OPERATOR_MAPPING.keys()))) !, &, &&, /\, AND, NAND, NOR, NOT, NXOR, OR, XNOR, XOR, \/, and, nand, nor, not, nxor, or, xnor, xor, |, ||, ~ Another possible source of errors in your expressions will be invalid symbol names. Due to some functionality based on accessing symbol names from :func:`namedtuple `-like objects, symbol names must meet the following criteria: 1. Must be a valid `Python identifiers`_. 2. Cannot be a `Python keyword`_. 3. Cannot begin with an underscore An exception will be raised if a symbol name in your expression does not meet the above criteria. Fortunately, tt provides a way for us to check if our symbols are valid. Let's take a look:: >>> from tt import is_valid_identifier >>> is_valid_identifier('False') False >>> is_valid_identifier('_bad') False >>> is_valid_identifier('not$good') False >>> is_valid_identifier('a_good_symbol_name') True >>> b = BooleanExpression('_A or B') Traceback (most recent call last): ... tt.errors.grammar.InvalidIdentifierError: Invalid operand name "_A" As we saw in the above example, we caused an error from the ``tt.errors.grammar`` module. If you play around with invalid expressions, you'll notice that all of these errors come from that module; that's because errors in this logical group are all descendants of :exc:`GrammarError `. This is the type of error that lexical expression errors will fall under:: >>> from tt import GrammarError >>> invalid_expressions = ['A xor or B', 'A or ((B nand C)', 'A or B B'] >>> for expr in invalid_expressions: ... try: ... b = BooleanExpression(expr) ... except Exception as e: ... print(type(e)) ... print(isinstance(e, GrammarError)) ... True True True :exc:`GrammarError ` is a unique type of exception in tt, as it provides attributes for accessing the specific position in the expression string that caused an error. This is best illustrated with an example:: >>> try: ... b = BooleanExpression('A or or B') ... except GrammarError as e: ... print("Here's what happened:") ... print(e.message) ... print("Here's where it happened:") ... print(e.expr_str) ... print(' '*e.error_pos + '^') ... Here's what happened: Unexpected binary operator "or" Here's where it happened: A or or B ^ .. _Python identifiers: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/lexical_analysis.html#identifiers .. _Python keyword: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/lexical_analysis.html#keywords