========= Prior Art ========= There are some great projects operating in the same problem space as tt. Most of the listed libraries are more mature and feature-rich than tt, so they may be a better choice for the problems you're working on. If you think that your library should be listed here, please let me know or submit a PR. Python libraries ---------------- * `boolean.py`_ * `PyEDA`_ Other languages --------------- * `LogicNG`_ (Java) * `BoolExpr`_ (C++) * `EvalEx`_ (Java) .. _boolean.py: https://github.com/bastikr/boolean.py .. _PyEDA: https://github.com/cjdrake/pyeda .. _LogicNG: https://github.com/logic-ng/LogicNG .. _BoolExpr: https://github.com/cjdrake/boolexpr .. _EvalEx: https://github.com/uklimaschewski/EvalEx