Source code for tt.trees.tree_node

"""A node, and related classes, for use in expression trees."""

from ..definitions import MAX_OPERATOR_STR_LEN, OPERATOR_MAPPING


[docs]class ExpressionTreeNode(object): """A base class for expression tree nodes.""" def __init__(self, symbol_name, l_child=None, r_child=None): self._symbol_name = symbol_name self._l_child = l_child self._r_child = r_child @property def symbol_name(self): """The string operator/operand name wrapped in this node. :type: :class:`str <python:str>` """ return self._symbol_name @property def l_child(self): """ This node's left child; ``None`` indicates the absence of a child. :type: :class:`ExpressionTreeNode`, optional """ return self._l_child @property def r_child(self): """ This node's left child; ``None`` indicates the absence of a child. :type: :class:`ExpressionTreeNode`, optional """ return self._r_child
[docs] def evaluate(self, input_dict): """Recursively evaluate this node. This is an interface that should be defined in sub-classes. :param input_dict: A dictionary mapping expression symbols to the value for which they should be subsituted in expression evaluation. :type input_dict: Dict{:class:`str <python:str>`: truthy} .. note:: Node evaluation does no checking of the validity of inputs; they should be check before being passed here. :returns: The evaluation of the tree rooted at this node. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Expression tree nodes must implement `evaluate`.')
def __str__(self, depth=0, indent_size=_DEFAULT_INDENT_SIZE, stem_list=[]): ret = '' if depth > 0: trunk = ('{}' + (indent_size - 1) * ' ') * (depth - 1) trunk = trunk.format(*stem_list) stem = '`' + (indent_size - 1) * '-' ret += trunk + stem + self._symbol_name else: ret += self._symbol_name ret += '\n' if self.r_child is not None: ret += self.r_child.__str__( depth=depth+1, indent_size=indent_size, stem_list=stem_list + ['|']) if self._l_child is not None: ret += self._l_child.__str__( depth=depth+1, indent_size=indent_size, stem_list=stem_list + [' ']) return ret
[docs]class BinaryOperatorExpressionTreeNode(ExpressionTreeNode): """An expression tree node for binary operators.""" def __init__(self, operator_str, l_child, r_child): super(BinaryOperatorExpressionTreeNode, self).__init__( operator_str, l_child, r_child) self._operator = OPERATOR_MAPPING[operator_str] @property def operator(self): """The actual operator object wrapped in this node. :type: :class:`BooleanOperator\ <tt.definitions.operators.BooleanOperator>` """ return self._operator def evaluate(self, input_dict): return self.operator.eval_func( self.l_child.evaluate(input_dict), self.r_child.evaluate(input_dict))
[docs]class UnaryOperatorExpressionTreeNode(ExpressionTreeNode): """An expression tree node for unary operators.""" def __init__(self, operator_str, l_child): super(UnaryOperatorExpressionTreeNode, self).__init__( operator_str, l_child) self._operator = OPERATOR_MAPPING[operator_str] @property def operator(self): """The actual operator object wrapped in this node. :type: :class:`BooleanOperator\ <tt.definitions.operators.BooleanOperator>` """ return self._operator def evaluate(self, input_dict): return self.operator.eval_func( self.l_child.evaluate(input_dict))
[docs]class OperandExpressionTreeNode(ExpressionTreeNode): """An expression tree node for operands. Nodes of this type will always be leaves in an expression tree. """ def __init__(self, operand_str): super(OperandExpressionTreeNode, self).__init__(operand_str) def evaluate(self, input_dict): if self.symbol_name == '0': return 0 elif self.symbol_name == '1': return 1 else: return input_dict[self.symbol_name]