Source code for tt.expressions.bexpr

"""Tools for interacting with Boolean expressions."""

import re

from ..errors import (BadParenPositionError, EmptyExpressionError,
                      ExpressionOrderError, InvalidArgumentTypeError,
from ..trees import BooleanExpressionTree
from ..utils import (assert_all_valid_keys,

[docs]class BooleanExpression(object): """An interface for interacting with a Boolean expression. Instances of ``BooleanExpression`` are meant to be immutable. """ def __init__(self, raw_expr): if not isinstance(raw_expr, str): raise InvalidArgumentTypeError('raw_expr must be of type str') self._raw_expr = raw_expr self._symbols = [] self._symbol_set = set() self._tokens = [] self._postfix_tokens = [] self._tokenize() self._to_postfix() self._tree = BooleanExpressionTree(self._postfix_tokens) @property def raw_expr(self): """The raw string expression, parsed upon initialization. This is what you pass into the ``BooleanExpression`` constructor; it is kept on the object as an attribute for convenience. :type: :class:`str <python:str>` .. code-block:: python >>> from tt import BooleanExpression >>> b = BooleanExpression('A nand B') >>> b.raw_expr 'A nand B' """ return self._raw_expr @property def symbols(self): """The list of unique symbols present in this expression. The order of the symbols in this list matches the order of symbol appearance in the original expression. :type: List[:class:`str <python:str>`] .. code-block:: python >>> from tt import BooleanExpression >>> b = BooleanExpression('A xor (B or C)') >>> b.symbols ['A', 'B', 'C'] """ return self._symbols @property def tokens(self): """The parsed, non-whitespace tokens of an expression. :type: List[:class:`str <python:str>`] .. code-block:: python >>> from tt import BooleanExpression >>> b = BooleanExpression('A xor (B or C)') >>> b.tokens ['A', 'xor', '(', 'B', 'or', 'C', ')'] """ return self._tokens @property def postfix_tokens(self): """Similar to the ``tokens`` attribute, but in postfix order. :type: List[:class:`str <python:str>`] .. code-block:: python >>> from tt import BooleanExpression >>> b = BooleanExpression('A xor (B or C)') >>> b.postfix_tokens ['A', 'B', 'C', 'or', 'xor'] """ return self._postfix_tokens @property def tree(self): """The expression tree representing this Boolean expression. :type: :class:`BooleanExpressionTree <tt.trees.expr_tree.BooleanExpressionTree>` .. code-block:: python >>> from tt import BooleanExpression >>> b = BooleanExpression('A xor (B or C)') >>> print(b.tree) xor `----A `----or `----B `----C """ return self._tree
[docs] def evaluate(self, **kwargs): """Evaluate the Boolean expression for the passed keyword arguments. This is a checked wrapper around the :func:`evaluate_unchecked` function. :param kwargs: Keys are names of symbols in this expression; the specified value for each of these keys will be substituted into the expression for evaluation. :returns: The result of evaluating the expression. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :raises ExtraSymbolError: If a symbol not in this expression is passed through ``kwargs``. :raises MissingSymbolError: If any symbols in this expression are not passed through ``kwargs``. :raises InvalidBooleanValueError: If any values from ``kwargs`` are not valid Boolean inputs. .. note:: See :func:`assert_all_valid_keys\ <tt.utils.assertions.assert_all_valid_keys>` and :func:`assert_iterable_contains_all_expr_symbols\ <tt.utils.assertions.assert_iterable_contains_all_expr_symbols>` for more information about the exceptions raised by this method. Usage:: >>> from tt import BooleanExpression >>> b = BooleanExpression('A or B') >>> b.evaluate(A=0, B=0) False >>> b.evaluate(A=1, B=0) True """ assert_all_valid_keys(kwargs, self._symbol_set) assert_iterable_contains_all_expr_symbols(kwargs.keys(), self._symbol_set) return self.evaluate_unchecked(**kwargs)
[docs] def evaluate_unchecked(self, **kwargs): """Evaluate the Boolean expression without checking the input. This is used for evaluation by the :func:`evaluate` method, which validates the input ``kwargs`` before passing them to this method. :param kwargs: Keys are names of symbols in this expression; the specified value for each of these keys will be substituted into the expression for evaluation. :returns: The Boolean result of evaluating the expression. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` """ truthy = self._tree.evaluate(kwargs) return bool(truthy)
def _tokenize(self): """Make the first pass through the expression, tokenizing it. This method will populate the ``symbols`` and ``tokens`` attributes, and is the first step in the expression-processing pipeline. :raises GrammarError: If a malformed expression is received. """ operator_strs = [k for k in OPERATOR_MAPPING.keys()] is_symbolic = {op: not op[0].isalpha() for op in operator_strs} operator_search_list = sorted(operator_strs, key=len, reverse=True) delimiters = DELIMITERS | set(k[0] for k, v in is_symbolic.items() if v) EXPECTING_OPERAND = 1 EXPECTING_OPERATOR = 2 grammar_state = EXPECTING_OPERAND idx = 0 open_paren_count = 0 num_chars = len(self.raw_expr) while idx < num_chars: c = self.raw_expr[idx].strip() if not c: # do nothing idx += 1 elif c == '(': if grammar_state != EXPECTING_OPERAND: raise BadParenPositionError('Unexpected parenthesis', self.raw_expr, idx) open_paren_count += 1 self._tokens.append(c) idx += 1 elif c == ')': if grammar_state != EXPECTING_OPERATOR: raise BadParenPositionError('Unexpected parenthesis', self.raw_expr, idx) elif not open_paren_count: raise UnbalancedParenError('Unbalanced parenthesis', self.raw_expr, idx) open_paren_count -= 1 self._tokens.append(c) idx += 1 else: is_operator = False num_chars_remaining = num_chars - idx matching_operators = [ operator for operator in operator_search_list if len(operator) <= num_chars_remaining and self.raw_expr[idx:(idx+len(operator))] == operator] if matching_operators: match = matching_operators[0] match_length = len(match) next_c_pos = idx + match_length next_c = (None if next_c_pos >= num_chars else self.raw_expr[idx + match_length]) if next_c is None: # trailing operator raise ExpressionOrderError( 'Unexpected operator "{}"'.format(match), self.raw_expr, idx) if next_c in delimiters or is_symbolic[match]: if OPERATOR_MAPPING[match] == TT_NOT_OP: if grammar_state != EXPECTING_OPERAND: raise ExpressionOrderError( 'Unexpected unary operator "{}"'.format( match), self.raw_expr, idx) else: if grammar_state != EXPECTING_OPERATOR: raise ExpressionOrderError( 'Unexpected binary operator "{}"'.format( match), self.raw_expr, idx) grammar_state = EXPECTING_OPERAND is_operator = True self._tokens.append(match) idx += match_length if not is_operator: if grammar_state != EXPECTING_OPERAND: raise ExpressionOrderError('Unexpected operand', self.raw_expr, idx) operand_end_idx = idx + 1 while (operand_end_idx < num_chars and self.raw_expr[operand_end_idx] not in delimiters): operand_end_idx += 1 operand = self.raw_expr[idx:operand_end_idx] self._tokens.append(operand) if operand not in (self._symbol_set | CONSTANT_VALUES): self._symbols.append(operand) self._symbol_set.add(operand) idx = operand_end_idx grammar_state = EXPECTING_OPERATOR if open_paren_count: left_paren_positions = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(r'\(', self.raw_expr)] raise UnbalancedParenError( 'Unbalanced left parenthesis', self.raw_expr, left_paren_positions[open_paren_count-1]) if not self._tokens: raise EmptyExpressionError('Empty expression is invalid') def _to_postfix(self): """Populate the ``postfix_tokens`` attribute.""" operand_set = self._symbol_set | CONSTANT_VALUES stack = [] for token in self._tokens: if token in operand_set: self._postfix_tokens.append(token) elif token == '(': stack.append(token) elif token in OPERATOR_MAPPING.keys(): if not stack: stack.append(token) else: while (stack and stack[-1] != '(' and OPERATOR_MAPPING[stack[-1]].precedence > OPERATOR_MAPPING[token].precedence): self._postfix_tokens.append(stack.pop()) stack.append(token) elif token == ')': while stack and stack[-1] != '(': self._postfix_tokens.append(stack.pop()) stack.pop() for token in reversed(stack): self._postfix_tokens.append(token)