=================================== tt - the Boolean expression toolbox =================================== Welcome to the documentation site for tt. |pypi| |nixbuild| |winbuild| ----- .. warning:: tt is heavily tested and fully usable, but is still pre-1.0/stable software with **no guarantees** of avoiding breaking API changes until hitting version 1.0. .. include:: ../README.rst .. toctree:: :hidden: development prior_art special_thanks author API Docs -------- Feel free to peruse through the source, or take a look through the auto-generated api docs below. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: api/* .. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/ttable.svg?style=flat-square&label=pypi :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ttable :alt: tt's PyPI page .. |nixbuild| image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/welchbj/tt/develop.svg?style=flat-square&label=mac%2Flinux%20build :target: https://travis-ci.org/welchbj/tt :alt: Mac/Linux build on Travis CI .. |winbuild| image:: https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/welchbj/tt/develop.svg?style=flat-square&label=windows%20build :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/welchbj/tt :alt: Windows build on AppVeyor