============= Release Notes ============= Check below for new features added in each release. Please note that release notes were not recorded before version 0.5.0. 0.6.x ----- Features in the 0.6.x series of releases are focused on expanding functionality to include expression satisfiability and transformations. 0.6.4 ````` * Introduce the :mod:`transformations.utils ` module, including the :class:`RepeatableAction `, :class:`ComposedTransformation `, :class:`AbstractTransformationModifier ` classes; the :class:`repeat `, :class:`twice `, and :class:`forever ` factory classes; and the :func:`tt_compose ` utility function * Publicly expose the :func:`ensure_bexpr ` in the :mod:`transformations.utils ` module * Drop support for all Python versions except 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 0.6.3 ````` * Add :data:`non_negated_symbol_set ` and :data:`negated_symbol_set ` to :class:`ExpressionTreeNode ` * Add :func:`apply_idempotent_law `, :func:`apply_identity_law `, and :func:`apply_inverse_law ` transformations to :class:`ExpressionTreeNode ` * Add :func:`apply_idempotent_law `, :func:`apply_identity_law `, and :func:`apply_inverse_law ` top-level transformation functions * Add functionality to the :func:`coalesce_negations ` transformation to apply negations on constant operands * Update :func:`to_cnf ` to incorporate new transformations, leading to more condense CNF transformed expressions 0.6.2 ````` * Remove class ``BooleanExpressionTree`` in favor of working exclusively with instances of :class:`ExpressionTreeNode ` * Add :exc:`AlreadyConstrainedSymbolError ` * Add :func:`sat_all ` to :mod:`picosat ` interface * Add :func:`constrain `, :func:`sat_one `, and :func:`sat_all ` to :class:`BooleanExpression ` * Move the implementation logic of the :func:`to_cnf ` transformation to the :func:`to_cnf ` method of the :class:`ExpressionTreeNode ` class 0.6.1 ````` * Add iff (``iff``, ``->``) and implies (``impl``, ``<->``) Boolean operators * Add :data:`is_cnf ` and :data:`is_dnf ` attributes to :class:`BooleanExpression ` * Add functionality to initialize :class:`BooleanExpression ` objects from instances of :class:`ExpressionTreeNode ` or ``BooleanExpressionTree`` * Update __str__ and __repr__ for :class:`BooleanExpression ` * Add :data:`is_really_unary ` attribute to :class:`ExpressionTreeNode ` * Add :func:`iter_clauses `, :func:`iter_cnf_clauses `, and :func:`iter_dnf_clauses ` to :class:`ExpressionTreeNode ` * Add :func:`iter_clauses `, :func:`iter_cnf_clauses `, and :func:`iter_dnf_clauses ` to :class:`BooleanExpression ` * Add :exc:`RequiresNormalFormError ` * Add attributes :data:`default_symbol_str ` and :data:`default_plain_english_str ` to :class:`BooleanOperator `, in place of removed ``name`` attribute * Add :func:`to_primitives `, :func:`coalesce_negations `, :func:`distribute_ands `, :func:`distribute_ors `, and :func:`apply_de_morgans ` to :class:`ExpressionTreeNode ` * Introduce high-level :mod:`transformations ` interface, including transformation functions :func:`to_primitives `, :func:`coalesce_negations `, :func:`distribute_ands `, :func:`distribute_ors `, :func:`to_cnf `, and :func:`apply_de_morgans ` * Add :data:`BINARY_OPERATORS ` and :data:`NON_PRIMITIVE_OPERATORS ` sets to :mod:`definitions ` module * Add ``__eq__`` and ``__ne__`` implementations for :class:`BooleanExpression ` and derivatives of :class:`ExpressionTreeNode ` 0.6.0 ````` * Add :func:`is_valid_identifier ` helper method for checking if symbol names are valid * Add checking of valid symbol names to :class:`BooleanExpression ` and :class:`TruthTable ` initalization logic, with corresponding new exception type :exc:`InvalidIdentifierError ` * Add :func:`boolean_variables_factory ` helper for generating more intuitive collections of symbol inputs * Update ``__iter__`` in :class:`TruthTable ` to yield inputs as a :func:`namedtuple `-like object rather than a plain :class:`tuple ` * Re-organize :doc:`User Guide ` into different sections instead of one long page * Remove PyPy support, due to addition of C-extensions * Add OS X builds to Travis * Include both 32-bit and 64-bit builds on AppVeyor * Add initial wrapper around `PicoSAT`_ library for future satisfiability interface; namely, the :func:`sat_one ` method * Add automated deployment to PyPI on tagged commits from CI services 0.5.x ----- Features in the 0.5.x series of releases were focused on expanding the top-level interface and improving optimizations under the hood. See below for specific features and fixes. 0.5.1 ````` * Add ``from_values`` option to the :class:`TruthTable ` initializer, allowing for table creation directly from values * Add ability to store *don't cares* in a :class:`TruthTable ` * Add :func:`equivalent_to ` method to :class:`TruthTable ` to check for equivalence of sources of truth * Convert :func:`generate_symbols ` and :func:`input_combos ` to be static methods of the :class:`TruthTable ` class * Add :data:`is_full ` to :class:`TruthTable ` * Add __iter__ and __getitem__ functionality to :class:`TruthTable ` * Add nice-looking __str__ to :class:`BooleanExpression ` * Add new exception types: :exc:`AlreadyFullTableError `, :exc:`ConflictingArgumentsError `, and :exc:`RequiredArgumentError ` * Re-organize exception hierarchy so each group of exceptions extends from the same base class * Re-organize the test file structure into more-focused files * Add :doc:`User Guide `, acting as tutorial-style documentation * Remove CLI example from the README * Update documentation color palette 0.5.0 ````` * Added the Release Notes section to the project's documentation (how fitting for this page) * Publically exposed the :func:`input_combos ` method in the :class:`TruthTable ` class * Added test coverage for the CPython 3.6, PyPy, and PyPy3 runtimes * Migrated all documentation to from `Napoleon`_ docstrings to standard `Sphinx`_ docstrings * Added `doctest`_ tests to the documentation * Added type-checking to the :class:`BooleanExpression ` class's initialization * Fixed a bug in the handling of empty expressions in the CLI pre-0.5 ------- Unfortunately, release notes were not kept before the 0.5.0 release. .. _doctest: https://docs.python.org/3/library/doctest.html .. _Napoleon: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/napoleon.html .. _PicoSAT: http://fmv.jku.at/picosat/ .. _Sphinx: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/index.html